Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sunday morning started out a little scary for my family. My aunt called my mom and told her to hurry to my "nanny's" house that something was wrong with her. My nanny and aunt live right down the road so if anything ever happens my nanny can get help quickly. My parents left me getting ready for church and rushed over to my Nanny's house. My nanny told my mom and aunt that she remembered passing out and when she came to she crawled to the phone to call my aunt. That broke my heart, because she lives alone. They went ahead and called the ambulance because all signs were pointing to a stroke. I went ahead and went to church and afterwards drove to Gadsden Regional to check on her. They still had her in a temporary room in the E.R. Now as you will notice from the photo below, I found myself a mask to wear. I may look silly, but let me just tell you, there were some sick looking people in the E.R. waiting room, and I do not have time to get the swine flu! I also used about a gallon of hand sanitizer they provided at every elevator and door at the hospital. My grandmother ended up having to stay two days in the hospital while they ran tests, but thankfully every test they ran came back great! The conclusion the doctors came to was that she might have had a really bad migraine that made her pass out and get sick afterwards,which can have stroke like symptoms. She is back home and resting for a speedy recovery!

Today I had lunch with Miss Meredith who I had a summer class with. She is super sweet! We have been meaning to schedule a lunch date for months and finally settled on one for today! We were able to catch up on so much before my class. She graduated in May and got a job soon after working for JSU as Admissions Counselor. Go Meredith! We ate at Casa Fiesta! Now I love me some Mexican and thought that Villa was all there was until......I was introduced Casa last year. When I eat Mexican I always get Chicken Fajitas and they have the BEST by far! I had planned on taking a photo but we got so busy catching up I forgot! Oh well there will definitely be another lunch date so next time!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I first have to say a big.....ROLL TIDE!! Whew what a first half that game was, I was soo nervous. Thankfully they kicked in gear and started rolling! Friday night Blake and I went to our friends Nikki and Justin Terrell's house. Originally the (Fab Four) Nikki, me, Danielle and Anna were supposed to go to Sip'n' Strokes to paint and out to eat for Anna's birthday and our monthly Girl's Night, but Danielle came down with the flu so we hated to leave her out of the fun and canceled for a later date. Nikki picked she and I up two canvas' at Hobby Lobby on her way home from school. The boys did their own thing while we painted and we had the best time just us two working to our hearts desire on those masterpieces! ha

Look at little macey at the bottom of the photo! She wanted her photo made also! lol

my painting

both of us working diligently

nikki's painting

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rammer Jammer

Last Saturday I had the opportunity to go to the Alabama-North Texas game with my friend Nikki. She and her husband Justin have season tickets to the home games and Justin was on call that Saturday and couldn't go. I was so excited for "girl time!" We had a safe trip down to T-town despite some the heavy rain and traffic jams we encountered. We both were expecting rain for the whole game because that is what the forecast was giving, so we had our ponchos and umbrellas ready. Amazingly right when we parked our car and got out the sun decided to make her appearance! Once we got into the stadium the humidity decided to hit 100%! I am not kidding you when I say this, I have NEVER been so hot in my whole life! We both got plenty of sun! I could have been mistaken for one of the Cullen's(vampire family from Twilight) with my pale skin that had not seen the sun in a while! It was a great game because we won! I made Nikki stay until the very end so I could do "Rammer Jammer" lol! After the game we stopped in Trussville at the Pinnacle to grab something to eat and shop/look at Wet Seal. Nikki bought two really cute scarves for a dollar something! I was very impressed with her shopping skills! We then decided to eat at Five Guys Burger and Fries. I had never eaten at one and I must say the burger was great and the gallon of fries they give you were great also! She dropped me off at home and I immediately got a shower then picked Blake up and we went to our others friends house Danielle and Tyler Holland to watch the Auburn game/pull for West Virginia! Justin and Nikki were there also and we had a great time!

Monday, September 21, 2009


I am loving this rain! I may be the only one who is still enjoying it at this point though. I love to go to bed and it be thundering, lightning and pouring down rain, it helps me sleep so well! Yesterday it stopped raining long enough for Blake and I to spend some time outdoors. We went into the woods behind his house to see how high the creek was. We had not been back through these woods in over a year and my goodness there were briar's everywhere we turned! Finally we made it to the creek! When we got down there it was not as high as we expected but the current was pretty strong! This creek I'm talking about is not just a small creek, it is a creek with usual rain is about five ft. deep. So with more rain than usual it can be up to about seven or eight ft! We love being outdoors and thankfully enjoy the same hobbies. Despite the humidity and the briar's we had fun! I cannot believe that the last post I wrote was almost a month ago! I know school is more important than blogging but I can beat that! lol

Blake standing in the rapids! lol

He was demonstrating to me how to climb over this barbwire fence so I wouldn't kill myself

Oh goodness! I cannot believe I posted this picture on here I look like a mountain woman!

Neat purple mushroom I saw, but it looks brown on here.

I have no clue what these are but I liked the colors!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

RRROOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL TTTTIIIIIIIIDDDDDDDEEEEE RRRRROOOOOOLLLLL! Can you tell how excited I am about the first Alabama football game? I have been anxiously counting down the days until kickoff! I spent all yesterday with my grandmother and my aunt who still lives at home with my grandmother. We started our morning off by having breakfast at Hardee's and my aunt had a doctor's appointment. After that we went downtown to the Gadsden Variety and Deli (formerly Nelson's) to shop and look around. My grandmother and aunt were browsing through the quilting and cross-stitching patterns and fabrics there and I became interested and decided I wanted to learn how to cross stitch and embroider. My grandmother bought me my first cross stitching pattern that after completed can then be turned into a quilt! I am so excited even though it is going to take a while to complete. I picked out different colors than the pattern showed. I chose bright pink, bright green, orange and a lighter bright green. I can not wait to see the finished product. My grandmother was so happy to teach me how to cross stitch and also did I mention I serged the edges on the fabric so it would not ravel? Well I did! She showed me how to surge on her surging machine and then told me it was my job to do the rest all by myself, I was a little nervous but did it! I only wish I had become more interested in it and had her already showing me how to do this stuff! She is so talented and can basically make anything! I love her so much and am so lucky that I have a grandmother that is still willing and able to show me this stuff!

Then last night we went with Blake's parents and brother Joe to eat at Los Arcos in Attalla. I am a total fajita girl when it comes to Mexican but for some reason I decided to try the fajita bowl and yuck I was not happy with it! It was not the same as my regular fajitas that come out still sizzling on the skillet! Then we went to First Friday in downtown Gadsden. I expected the crowds to be down significantly since it was Friday football night but was surprised it was still pretty crowded. We then went back to Blake's house and I cross stitched while he watched t.v. Haha I know were very exciting and wild aren't we! In my defense I was just really excited about this new hobby I have taken up! One more thing..... ROLL TIDE! At least I hope I am able to say that after the game tonight!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello Hello everyone! Today is "Thankfully Thursday!" This week has gone by quite quickly for me. Too bad I cannot say the same for my classes! They are still going well but just seem to drag by sooo slowly! Honestly the only thing that got me through this week was looking ahead to Saturday! Woo Hoo for some SEC football! That will be tomorrows blog though so I will restrain myself from discussing that this blog! The Lord was really teaching me a lesson on patience today! In my last class of the day today there was two students in there who thought they were the teachers! They kept interrupting him and one person actually told the teacher "no you let me finish" I believe my mouth dropped to the floor when that student said that! On another note I received my first ticket warning from the campus police. This year Jax State decided to start the Gamecock Express bus system for students. I think it is ridiculous! Parking at the Communication Building is no more. They have certain color coded parking areas according to your color of parking pass and then board the new bus system to your building where your classes are. Example: I commute so my color is silver (as you will see on the warning) and I am designated to park in the silver parking lots. In my case it is all the way across campus to Self Hall where my classes are. People who ride it are already always late for class. I just have been refusing to break down and follow the rules but today was my warning so I suppose I can be a rebel no more and will have to buy my parking pass and park where I am suppose to so I can board the Gamecock Express! Sorry for all the negativity on this blog! I promise I will try to make them positive from now on well unless Bama loses Saturday but, lets not go there! ha I just had one of those days where I needed to vent! Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's been a while!

Lately blogging has had to go on the back burner while school has become top priority! Hopefully I will be blogging more often than just once a week! I only have four classes (originally five) but the reason being because I am taking two classes that I have heard are doozies! Com Law and Com Research. They both require a lot of writing. I'm keeping a positive attitude about them both, even though I have had people tell me I am crazy for taking them at the same time! I only have one class on Mon ,Wed and three on Tue, Thur. My class on Mon ,Wed is Intro to News and we are basically playing pretend. We all sit at a computer and we write news articles for pretend newspaper. Right now though we are having to learn the basics of narrowing down how to consider what is a good news story and what is not. Even though I'm not going into print journalism it is something good to still learn! My favorite class and teacher though is one of my classes on Tue, Thur. is Intro to Audio Production. In this class we go down to the sound studio downstairs in the Communications building and our class after learning how everything works will start doing little segments of shows we have written. Its similar to what people used to listen to on the radio before there was televisions. Enough about school, lets see if I can catch you up on everything that been going on!
We have had two cats at our house for about eight years and then all of a sudden they have just come up missing! The strange thing is though we have gained a kitten! I will admit she is not the prettiest little cat I have ever seen but if you know me then you know I'm tender hearted and love animals more than I love people! ha So, I am going to take it in and love it!

Speaking of animals! The dog that has taken up at Blake's house for the past few months Cocoa, spent the day playing with Blake and I Saturday! She is the most precious dog ever! I have had a couple of dogs as pets in my lifetime all of those being Labs except one. Labs are my favorite breed of dog and inmy opinion the most beautiful! She is in love with Blake and when are outside she follows him everywhere he goes and then when Blake sits down outside she tries to get all up in his lap! I am hoping that when Blake moves to Huntsville I can bring her to my house and let her live because honestly I'm afraid the poor thing will grieve for him. ( yes dogs actually do grieve). The only problem is mom! We don't exactly have good lucks with dogs considering people fly on our road and we have two different roads on two sides of our home. She hates to get attached to them and something happen to them. If dad and I could get her to agree to it I would get Cocoa in a heartbeat! Here is a picture of her from Saturday and I love it she looks so beautiful in it!

Okay, okay enough about animals and school! Onto something I have been waiting for many,many months! ALABAMA FOOTBALL! Only three days until kickoff! Roll Tide!