Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's been a while!

Lately blogging has had to go on the back burner while school has become top priority! Hopefully I will be blogging more often than just once a week! I only have four classes (originally five) but the reason being because I am taking two classes that I have heard are doozies! Com Law and Com Research. They both require a lot of writing. I'm keeping a positive attitude about them both, even though I have had people tell me I am crazy for taking them at the same time! I only have one class on Mon ,Wed and three on Tue, Thur. My class on Mon ,Wed is Intro to News and we are basically playing pretend. We all sit at a computer and we write news articles for pretend newspaper. Right now though we are having to learn the basics of narrowing down how to consider what is a good news story and what is not. Even though I'm not going into print journalism it is something good to still learn! My favorite class and teacher though is one of my classes on Tue, Thur. is Intro to Audio Production. In this class we go down to the sound studio downstairs in the Communications building and our class after learning how everything works will start doing little segments of shows we have written. Its similar to what people used to listen to on the radio before there was televisions. Enough about school, lets see if I can catch you up on everything that been going on!
We have had two cats at our house for about eight years and then all of a sudden they have just come up missing! The strange thing is though we have gained a kitten! I will admit she is not the prettiest little cat I have ever seen but if you know me then you know I'm tender hearted and love animals more than I love people! ha So, I am going to take it in and love it!

Speaking of animals! The dog that has taken up at Blake's house for the past few months Cocoa, spent the day playing with Blake and I Saturday! She is the most precious dog ever! I have had a couple of dogs as pets in my lifetime all of those being Labs except one. Labs are my favorite breed of dog and inmy opinion the most beautiful! She is in love with Blake and when are outside she follows him everywhere he goes and then when Blake sits down outside she tries to get all up in his lap! I am hoping that when Blake moves to Huntsville I can bring her to my house and let her live because honestly I'm afraid the poor thing will grieve for him. ( yes dogs actually do grieve). The only problem is mom! We don't exactly have good lucks with dogs considering people fly on our road and we have two different roads on two sides of our home. She hates to get attached to them and something happen to them. If dad and I could get her to agree to it I would get Cocoa in a heartbeat! Here is a picture of her from Saturday and I love it she looks so beautiful in it!

Okay, okay enough about animals and school! Onto something I have been waiting for many,many months! ALABAMA FOOTBALL! Only three days until kickoff! Roll Tide!

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