Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Light Pole!

I wish I had thought to video the whole process of my dad, uncle, two cousins and Blake attempting to put up a 30 foot light pole and light for my grandmother Greer! Nothing is ever simple with my dad when he starts a project! He thinks it through way more than he should and has all these ideas for whatever project he is about to complete! My aunt, mom, grandmother and me all observed and laughed from my grandmothers back porch (we felt safe watching from there!) My dad had the bright idea to somehow "rig" up a rope attached to the pole and toss it over the shed by which the pole would be standing. On the other side of the pole and the shed was me, my grandmother, aunt, mom and my cousin Jake. My dad instructed us to all pull the rope at the same time he, my uncle, cousin Matt and Blake were going to try and walk the poll up into the hole they had dug. Before we could really do any good the rope snapped in half! Resulting in my 82 year old grandmother, mom and aunt falling on the ground onto their backs! After checking and making sure they were all okay I laughed! After that little incident my uncle suggested to my dad "why don't we just use the front end loader off the tractor Kenneth?" (should have done that to begin with) My dad agreed and FINALLY they were able to position the pole in place! It was quiet funny to watch, I just wish someone had been filming when the rope broke! Like my aunt said we could have won on America's Funniest Home Video's with that and I'm sure we could have!
The finished product finally!
Little blurry because its from my cell phone but this is them in the process haha!

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