Thursday, July 30, 2009

Love x's 3

Thanks to my friend from church Danielle Holland I am onto the second Twilight book "New Moon". She and I teach the four year old on Wednesday nights and when she found out that I had just finished the first Twilight book and was on the waiting list yet again at the library for the second one she offered to bring the second, third and fourth books to me! I was thrilled! As soon as I got home I started reading "New Moon". I'm on chapter 6 so far. It is a little more depressing than the first one but, I'm sure it will pick up. Danielle and I are trying to persuade our two other friends Nikki and Anna to start reading so that we can all four attend the premiere in November together! (girls road trip)!

The second part of my day was fantastic because I got to see my babies! They went to Disney World last week and it liked to killed me not seeing them for over a week! Amanda helped me manage by sending me pictures to my cell! She called me last night and wanted to know if I was up to keeping my three little bambinos today! I said OF COURSE! When I go to their house they were all three ready and waiting to tell me about their trip and their favorite things about Disney World! Caroline and her other three girl cousins got to have a princess party at the castle! They went to the Princess Boutique and had their hair did and dressed up in princess dresses and had a party with all the princesses!

Here is Cale and Drew with Spongebob! Cale loves Spongebob! Drew not as much he is more into Science stuff! I wish you could see their little teefy! Cale and Drew both have lost the same tooth in the exact same spot! lol

I just LOVE this photo of my Little Miss Priss! She is such a Drama Queen but I love her to pieces!

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