Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nothing extremely exciting went on in my life today but, I did have to wake up early and that is always a dreaded struggle for me! Blake had to go to Huntsville to pick up some papers about his job! (fingers crossed) He wanted me to go along with him so I did! We are complete opposites in almost everything, but where one of us has a weakness it is the others strong point( God knew what he was doing when he placed us together)! For example one of my weaknesses is being on time! Those of you who know me know this all too well! Blake's strong point is always being on time or early for something, just call him "Mr. Promptness"! Although we have been dating for six years it still drives him bananas that I cannot be ready of on time for anything! So last night before I left his house he reminded me that I needed to be at his house at 8:00 a.m. and no later! I was determined that I would get my shower and have makeup, hair and clothes fixed and on so I would be there on time. Well lets just say I rolled up in his driveway at 8:03 with partial makeup that I completed on the way to Huntsville! Anyway getting back to the story after he picked up his needed papers we drove to a store called Edible Arrangements in Huntsville. If your not familiar with it check out their website they create arrangements made out of fruit.

Blake bought this one for his dads birthday which is tomorrow. It is called the Delicious Celebration. It had cantaloupe, honey dew,grapes, daisy shaped chocolate dipped pineapples and my favorite some plain strawberries and some chocolate dipped strawberries! After his dad opened it we all had to try some and the fruit was so fresh and wonderful! It will definitely be somewhere we return to for gift ideas! After we left there and returned home Blake drove through Madison where he will be living with his brother after he begins his job. As we were driving through we were passing all these beautiful homes and schools. It occurred to me that more than likely in a couple of years this area will be where Blake and I reside after we marry. With my occupational choice being a news anchor one day, you cannot exactly live on Sand Mountain, your main two choices are Huntsville or Birmingham television stations. So call me silly but I became a little emotional! ha! We were passing schools and I thought, "our future children will probably be attending these schools one day" and seeing churches that in the future could become our new church home. What got me to thinking so deeply was a comment Blake made to me where he said something about hopefully us being able to live in a certain sub-division one day where the houses are gorgeous! I have always thought I would get married and stay in this little area where I grew up but like I said with my job choice that is not possible. I'm excited though for when the day comes and I begin my new job and start my new life whenever that may be! Whoa, this is getting long...I usually start out thinking I have nothing to really write about today and then I get to going and things start popping up in my little head to write about and I could just go on and on and....but I wont! Nightie-Night!

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